For two weeks I walked KT, a very nervous Boxer. I had to walk her mid morning and again mid afternoon from Monday to Friday.

For eight days I will be looking after Dickens. He’s a lovely boy who I have walked twice weekly for the past 4 years. I have house sat several times for this family.        

Fred is using the day care service while his owner is at work. He moved recently from Cornwall so is slowly being eased into his new environment. For the first two weeks he stayed with us throughout the days. The third week he will stay at ours for the mornings then be taken back to his home for the afternoon. […]

Tess is a rescued Patterdale cross who is a very lively girl who loves her walks! I will be walking her twice a week while her owners are at work.

My morning so far…I’m house sitting for three days, looking after two horses, three dogs and Twiggy the deer for three days! My first job was to check they were all ok first thing. Then I had a dog walk with Dickens the English Sheepdog, then a nice walk with Toffee the Spaniel, home boarder Hugo and Oz and Gus.

For eight days I visited two dogs, four times a day while their owner was away. This included feeding them breakfast and dinner and taking them out for two walks daily. One of the dogs have medication and eye drops each day. The chickens needed feeding and water changing daily, too. I walk these dogs from Monday to Friday each […]

At the end of September, Digger the Retriever X Poodle and Hendrix the Tibetan Terrier, will be using the home boarding service for six days. I also walk these dogs ad hoc when their owner is out for the day. They are beautiful boys and we look forward to them staying!

I will be looking after three dogs for several hours on two consecutive Sundays while their owner is out for the afternoon. I look after and walk these dogs on a regular basis. They are very sweet dogs and quite a handful too!

For eleven days I will be back house sitting and looking after Saffy the Labrador and Twiggy the cat. I do a lot of work for this family, house sitting several times each year. Saffy has used the home boarding service many times, also. She is a very sweet girl who is very sociable with other dogs.

For two weeks I will be looking after Poppy. She is a lovely girl but unfortunately suffers from medical conditions. She is on a strict routine of medication which is given twice daily. I have house sat several times for this family.