I’ll be looking after three Dachshunds for the day while their owner is out. They are a very lively bunch who love attention! I walk and pet sit these dogs on a regular basis.

Katie is a  is a very nervous 10 year old Boxer who needs a lot of reassurance when walking. I walk her twice a day when needed, being very aware of other dogs and any loud noises.

Over a weekend, I will be visiting three dogs four times a day while their owner is working long hours. This entails feeding them early in the mornings, walking them at lunch, feeding them early in the evenings and popping back before bed to let them out, I will also be looking after a number of chickens, feeding them and […]

I will be walking Sadie the Labrador all week while her owners are at work. I often walk Sadie and she is a regular user of the home boarding service. She is a lovely, gentle dog.

For two days I will be popping in to see to a number of animals as their owners are out all day. I will be walking the dog and feeding the chickens and tortoise.

For six days Nelly the Chocolate Labrador came to stay using the home boarding service. I visited the other animals twice daily to check on them and feed them. These included three sheep, one very elderly cat, one rat, two toads and nine tortoises. I work regularly for this family and have house sat many times too. Nelly has used […]